Friday, January 4, 2008

I Heart Huckabee

Hello all. I know that I should post a 2007 year in review like I had planned and also a documentation of my trip home for Christmas, but since I am still up and just watched about the results from the Iowa Caucus, I thought I would comment on that. (From me, does this really surprise anyone?)
My guys won. Not that I support Mike Huckabee, but I am glad he won, cause it means that Mitt Romney lost. Even though Guy Smiley put on a cheery face and said some BS remarks about being happy to get silver, everyone (especially at camp Romney) should realize exactly how bad this loss is for him. He was the only one to campaign in Iowa, spending millions there. His whole strategy was based on winning big in Iowa and moving on from there. Now, he has lost by nine percentage points to a guy who was a complete nobody a few months ago. This can't be good for him going into New Hampshire next Tuesday. I don't think that it will be huge for Huckabee there, but it may make McCain a lot more appealing in the Granite State--especially with the surge he has been having there lately. Who wants to vote for a loser? In all honesty, I don't have anything against Mitt except for the R by his name. I bet he would do a decent job as president--especially when compared with the guy doing the job now--but I think that Romney is, in all actuality, the best thing that the Republicans could run in this election and the prospect of Republicans living in the White House for four more years terrifies me. And so, because he helped to beat (what looked to me to be) the best republican in the race, I, in fact, do heart Huckabee--today at least.
This brings me to my next point. Barack Obama won!! This is amazing. Since I first read his speech delivered at the Democratic Convention in 2004, I have been amazed by this man. Listening to him gives me chills. The reason is that he does inspire me to hope for something better. Our country has been under a dark cloud for the past seven years. Sen. Obama's words seem to show that there is light within the American people. He reminds us of what our country can do when we are united and work for a great cause. I love my country, and am amazed at her greatness. I am reminded of what we can be when I hear him speak, and this makes gives me goosebumps. He soundly defeated his two closest rivals, Senators John Edwards and Hillary Clinton. And that makes me feel a lot of relief--mostly that he beat Hillary. Not that I have anything against her. I am sure she would be a very thorough, thoughtful president. She would do a fine job, but so many people hate her, it makes me worry that she couldn't win in November--I don't get the animosity that people feel towards her, though; I have yet to meet a Hillary-hater who can give me a valid reason for their dislike for her other than "because" or "she's just awful"--but I digress. Anyway, my hope is that Sen. Obama's good fortune tonight can carry on through next week and next month, and we will surely see something great.
His victory speech was great. I do hope that his words of this being a defining moment for America, where we have begun something new prove true. Once I find a video of his speech I will post it here, but now, I am tired and must sleep.


Lex said...

I don't like Hillary and let me tell you why. Her policies sound a lot like Jennifer Granholm (D), Gov. of Michigan. Granholm has driven Michigan into a terrible economic slump. I feel that Hillary and her fiscally irresponsible "Hillary Care"-esqe policies will #1.Cut your paycheck in half by all the new taxes that will have to be taken out to cover the programs she is introducing and #2.Drive us into the closest thing to socalism that this country has ever expereinced.

Lex said...

Oh, and I forgot one thing. All of these "Leave Iraq" politicians are just asking for an increase of attacks on American soil. We have to finish what we started, however right or wrong it was that we started it in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Hear! Hear! Lex.

D, I'd really like to like Obama. His whole middle ground approach is really appealing, but his foreign policy sucks, and sucks a lot. "Sitting down and talking" to the leaders of countries unfriendly to the U.S. is not foreign policy.

Also, he agrees that Al Gore deserved the nobel peace prize, and I have yet to see the connection between global warming and peace.

Darin said...

Well, since our current jingoistic approach to foreign policy with cowboy diplomacy has worked so well for the past seven years...
Abt. Al Gore, I think it's great. Maybe not world peace, per se, but it brings to light a pressing issue that could have devastating consequences to the whole world population if not altered.
As for Jennifer Granholm maybe she's not perfect, but if she's that horrible, why did she win re-election by 14 percentage points?