Monday, July 14, 2008

Today's List of Things that Must Go

1). The tendency men have of spitting in the urinal--Yeah it's a weird one, but it bugs me. I guess spitting in general bugs me (my mom taught me some manners), but I've noticed out of the corner of my eye often (of course you always look straight forward or down while at the urinal, however I notice movements in my periphery) that a lot of guys spit while peeing. And I wonder, "why?" It doesn't make sense to me, I personally don't have any Pavlovian tendencies that make me salivate when I enter the men's room, but maybe a lot of men do. What's really gross is that men don't aim their spit much better then they aim otherwise, so a lot of times I look down at the top of the urinal and find a bubbly pile o' spit, and it's pretty disgusting.
2). While we're talking about urinals, people talking to me while I'm using the restroom--this must go. It's just weird. This is bad because even some of my best friends try to be chatty while I'm using the facilities. In this case, I always do my best to answer in partial words and monosyllabic answers because I don't want to be seen as somebody who would engage in conversation while using a public restroom. If you are engaged in a conversation while entering the facilities, propriety would dictate that you leave the conversation while you enter the room, and resume about thirty seconds later while washing your hands if necessary. What's even more awkward is when a complete stranger talks to you at the urinal--I'll stop there. But, talking to people while peeing must go.
3). The lingering scent of banana peels in the trash. I often take a banana with me to work to have at lunch or a mid-morning snack. after I discard the peel into my trashcan under my desk. About an hour later, I get faint whiffs of banana, and they're not pleasant. Granted I realize that to avoid this entirely, I could walk the peel to the trash in the galley, but that would mean I wouldn't have anything to complain about. This is a place where I mention my annoyances, and that smell annoys me. So there.
4). The lady in the white Mercedes on Washington Blvd. who has her Arabic music blaring out the window--Twice last week I ended up near her, and she bugged me. She seemed to be very vain tossing her bleached-blond hair, and preening herself while at the light. Then the light changed, she took off and ended up being the car directly in front of me. She ended up nearly running a stop light and did other stupid things. I thought "that lady really must go." So because of her maneuvering, she got ahead of me, and I thought I had lost her, but about five minutes later I got to the light on Washington and Glebe, and guess who was at my side, meaning all of her crazy driving was for naught. Yup, it made me laugh.
5). People who act shocked that Barack Obama has moved to the center for the general election. People are acting all crazy saying that he said he wasn't the same as other politicians. Well, big shocker, he's running for president--he IS a politician. As far as I remember though, he's only said that he wanted a new dialogue in politics, one that isn't based on hate or fear, one that focuses on real issues. He's pretty much doing that. So to those on the left who are upset that he's moving to the center--get over it, they all move to the center for the general, and just think of the alternative, and how bad four more years of the same will be.


goo2girl said...

TMI on #1 and #2 (get it? hahaha!)

Maybe the Arabic woman was listening to a song about supporting Obama. I mean, after know... I crack myself up sometimes. :)

shelleyjanae said...

I agree with the pee talk. Weird, weird, weird. And people who talk on their phones in public restrooms!!! Nasty.