Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Coolest Game Ever

Per tradition of the Langley Singles Ward, we delivered gift baskets to needy families for Christmas last night. This same family was the family to whom we donated money and food for Thanksgiving last month. They are recently-arrived refugees from Afghanistan (kind of awkward with the Christmas thing, but we played it off as an over-all holiday thing). We pretty much took Target gift cards, a gift card to the grocery store, and we bought a soccer ball for the two boys in the family since we had met them previously. There were three of us who went to this family last night, and they invited us in to visit when we showed up. We had small talk which moved to sports, and then we found out about the national sport of Afghanistan, Buzkashi.
"What is Buzkashi?" you may ask. Only the coolest game ever from what it sounds like. So, here's a brief description:
Items needed--One large field, 20-40 men with horses, and the carcass of a large goat, or small calf.
Per the description of the family we visited, play is as follows:
The game can be played as individuals or teams. The goat is soaked in water for two to three days. All participants wait at the periphery of the playing area while one person rides on a horse, carrying the goat into the center of the playing field. The goat is dropped into a demarcated circles, and play commences. The participants ride from outside the field into the center to snatch up the goat and carry it to the far side of the field and drop it into a circle there.
The catch to the game is that the water-logged carcass is rather heavy (approx 150 lbs.) and you are competing with dozens of other men on horseback who are fighting for the same goat. It takes great strength and equine agility. Apparently, it is standard practice for two to three people to be killed in a match, with several others sustaining injuries.
This game has been played for centuries in the region. Before the coming of Islam to the area, instead of a goat, the decapitated remains of an enemy were used, but with the religious influence on the region, that quickly became verboten, and they decided a cow or goat would be a fine replacement.
The winner of the match will generally win a cash prize, and will be showered with prizes from the spectators. Other prizes used to include Soviet Jeeps, or an AK47.
So, what do you say? Anyone up for a match? If you find the field and the horses, I'll bring the goat.

1 comment:

Sydney said...

Gaaa! That is so gross