It's a nice little town in the middle of Amish country in PA.
We first went to get some apples from a local orchard there. While there we picked up a couple of pumpkins and this past week, we carved them.
Pics of the apples
There were so many, and boy were the free samples tasty. We bought some and made the tastiest pies ever, but I didn't take a picture.
Then, we went all the way in Amish country to Intercourse
A week later we carved them. This is Melanie's creepy spider and web
I carved a Barack-O-Lantern
My pumpkin and me. I'm just that cool.
Love the Barack O Lantern. Love it. I got into a fun phone debate about McCain v. Obama tonight. Good times :)
An Obama Lantern?
"Virginia may be for Lovers but PA has Intercourse."
Only you, Derriere. Only you.
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