Monday, December 10, 2007

Today's Things That Must Go

1). Children on leashes--this should qualify as some sort of child abuse. Yes, kids are prone to wander off, but I don't think there is any need to treat them like you would your family pet, Scruffy. It's just mean, and as such, it must go.
2). The over-use of the word awesome--This is particularly abundant in my personal (read religious) circle. We do it a lot--myself included--but we shouldn't. There are things that are truly awesome, works of art and architecture, natural beauty in the world and great speeches, etc. But to say something like a mediocre performance or a decent meal instills awe is just ridiculous. I think it takes away from the power that this word can have.
3). Jewish performers who make Christmas albums--Babs, maybe you have a "voice like butta," but I think you are exploiting my Lord and Savior by making money off of his birth when you don't even belive in him. The same can be said of Neil Diamond or Kenny G. or a whole slew of others.
4). "Moderates" who will never vote for a Democrat--this probably only bugs me, but there are plenty of people I meet who claim to not be a member of either party, and assert neutrality, but it all reality, would never vote for a Democrat. I don't feel like going off and explaining all of my feelings on this now, so I won't. But if you do it, you must go.
5). Mormons who think Mitt Romney is going to convert America, and the world--Sorry kids, he may be pretty, but I don't think that this politician's politician is the way to spread the best ideals of the Church and it's teachings. I don't like him--I'll probably post why shortly, but this could be at least a small part of the reason. Maybe I could be wrong, maybe he'll win the whole think (I don't think that will happen) and he'll be a great president. We'll see what happens when we get there, but for now these super fans of Mitt's within the Mormon church irritate me, and they must go.


AmandaStretch said...

We had wrist leashes when I was a kid. It was awesome. ;)

Shelley said...

My second favorite Christmas song (after Dominic the Italian Christmas Donkey- of course) is God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen by the Barenaked Ladies. Who knew you had such great taste in music?
And I think people who don't think that Mitt is going to convert America have got to go. I know I am JUST a Canadian but how cool would it be to have a President named Mitt?? Much more hip than George. Maybe he could convert Canada.....

goo2girl said...

Your gripe about neutral voters who would never vote Democrat sounds like a jab at me...not very awesome, dude.