I am a whiner, I complain about practically everything. However, this being Thanksgiving and all, I think I will take a moment or two to mention a few things for which I am grateful, trying my best to look for the positive, and not focus on the negative. I expect this to be a short post :^)
Family--the people in your life over whom you have absolutely no control, but the ones you're with more than anything. Though we in my family are a weird lot sometimes--okay a lot of times--I wouldn't pick anybody else to have for my family. My parents didn't do shabby a job of raising me, and they have always supported me in what I do--even if they are a little naggy. My sisters each offer something different and special, and each of them has a cute family with some of the funnest, most-adorable kids around. I love (I don't like to use that word a lot, but it's true) them all.
God and Church--I don't know where I would be with out the basis of faith that I have in my life. I know that without God's blessings in my life, I would truly have very little. Also with my church, I had an instant family when I moved 2500 miles away from my own family. This is far too al-encompassing for me to try to explain the gratitude I do have, so I will leave it at that.
Friends--I have been very lucky in life to be able to make good friends. I have two of the best friends in my two very-best friends, Kade and Cammie Jan. We have been good buddies through thick and thin. They are two of the most amazing people, whom I can trust with anything, and with whom I am not afraid to absolutely be myself. I know can do anything, no matter how stupid, and they will still accept me. I have become friends with a lot of great people where I live now. There are some very amazing people, with whom I hope my friendships continue to grow from here on out. To any of my friends, thank you. You all are great.
My iPod--that and my daily podcasts of Radio From Hell. They make my workday much more tolerable.
My job--That I have one and that I enjoy the people with whom I work. Sometimes I start to hate it, but I am always reminded that I like my job when I go over to the office with the people whom I support in my group work.
Ben and Jerry--They make the best ice cream--well them and Maggie Moos--personal favorites from B&J are Brownie Batter and Cinnamon Roll (or Bun), and from Maggie Moos is Better Batter Cake Carnival--try them and you'll fall in love.
So that's a short list, but there is much more for which I am grateful, but now, the aforementioned Cammie Jan has landed at the airport here in Raleigh and kade and I must go pick her up.
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