Thursday, June 21, 2007


Okay, so how's this for excitement. Last night my roommate went to play soccer with some people from our church at the church. He invited me, but it was about 100 degrees (okay maybe only 95) and threatening to rain (I don't have kleats and would have been sliding all over). Not to mention the fact that my soccer prowess would rival that of, well, probably anyone else who has only played one game of soccer in his nearly 26 year old life--maybe a little worse, but I digress. Because of the aformentioned reasons, and the fact that I could (and did) work out at the gym at my apartment, I chose not to go.

Anyway as soon as I got out of the shower after having used my gym, I hear my phone ringing. It was my roommate. He says, "Darin, what up? Hey man, you wanna take me to the hospital? I think I broke my wrist." He was playing goal keeper, and apparently a kid from Peru, Luis, who has probably been playing soccer since he was in diapers, and who last month broken a 2x4 kicking a ball into it, shot the ball, and this time, made a clean break through my roommate's ulna. So I, having been lent the car of another incapacitated friend (she did some damage to, but not quite broke her foot; she couldn't drive her manual transmission Saturn, Stanley, over the past week, and I could. The Dr. told her yesterday that she could drive now, so she's going home).

(On a side note here, there is a girl from my ward--I am sure most who will ever see this are mormon like me, and will know what a ward is, but in case you don't it is the Mormon term for your local church group--who left yesterday to Alaska for eight whole weeks. Since she is totally cool and realized that I am totally lame and don't have a car (in this state at least), she asked if I wanted to use her vehicle while she is up guiding tours, and of course I said yes. It's a Corolla and the license plates say IDHO GRL, but for free wheels, I'll be Idaho Girl for eight weeks.)

So, we go to the emergency room, which was pretty busy, and the folks waiting there seemed nonetoohappy to be there--can't imagine why, but it kinda bummed me out. Mark, the injured roommate, whose arm had a noticeable, swollen lump in the middle of it by this point said, "if your just gonna put me in a splint, give me a pill and charge me $900, I'll just go to a Dr. tomorrow." We leave, and long story short, we end up going to the urgent care facility in Fairfax propper in Idaho Girl.

That was quite an adventure, in the waiting room, there was a man who had cut his finger with a utility knife, a dude who looked like death, but just had a bad case of strep, and shortly after we showed up, a drunken 25 year old who had supposedly broken his ankle while trying to use his Heely's (who knew they made them for grown-ups?) after having quite a few "harder drinks than normal." I am not even sure that he broke it, but he was complaining A LOT about it.

So 3.5 hrs. later Mark emerged with a wrap on what was confirmed to be his broken arm, and a copy of the x-ray. Both of us were hungry by this point, so we went to I-HOP, I knew I was going to be tired for work and figured that one more hour wouldn't make that much difference.

So here I am now (or at least when I typed it this morning), at work running on just under 3 hours of sleep, and on the caffeine provided from a Diet Pepsi.
In my humble opinion, Hospitals stink, and worse than that, urgent care centers with only one Dr. are horrible, but can provide for some entertainment if you enjoy watching injured people. The End.

1 comment:

Joy said...

This is the best explanation of the arm.

As for Luis...he was showing off. There's no need to kick the ball that hard playing where you do...and he probably knows it. I'm sure mark's arm was a total accident..but after breaking a post and then this? Hopefully he practices restraint from here on out.