Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Does This Make Me A Bad Person?

So, I was coming to work today. I was hurrying in much earlier than normal. I lost my phone last night, and thinking I had left it in the office, wanted to get here before the alarm to wake me up went off (see earlier). Turns out, I dropped it in the lockerroom at the gym, and someone turned it in. Thankfully it is there safely awaiting my pickup.
Anyway, en route to the office, I was cruising down the street to get here. I see a car ahead of me at a stop sign with its hood up. I'm like, "Dang, that sucks. I wonder if I should see if I can help?" I determined that I probably should hurry to the office to turn off my alarm, and also I would likely be of no assistance. But still felt like maybe I should try. As I am getting closer to the car, I see a bumper sticker, and I'm trying to figure out what it says...closer and closer, then I read "Sarah!" Referring to the former VP candidate, the Winking Wonderwoman from Wasilla. 'Nuf said, I wasn't stopping on this cold morning.
Okay, it's not just that she was a Palin supporter, but a whole group of things, my needing to hurry to the office, the fact that I had no tools nor a cell phone to help out, and it was friggin' cold. So I hurried to the office. No phone, so I decided to call the gym since that's the next likely place that it would be. Sure enough, it was there. Yay!!
If, when I go home for lunch, the lady is still broken down in the intersection, I promise I'll help her out.

1 comment:

Joy said...

A bad person? Not necessarily. Does it make you a "good" person? No, probably not. But it definitely shows you're fallible, and guess what? Fallibility crosses political lines.