Monday, April 21, 2008

Today's List of Things That Must Go

I realized that it has been a while since I had last made my weekly gripe list. I would attribute this to my cheerful demeanor on Monday mornings of late, making it difficult to find things to complain about. All that has changed today. I am bitter...okay, maybe not so much bitter, but rather just thinking about things that bugged me recently and realizing that I need to jot them down before I forget. So here they are for this week:
1). The word guesstimate--dumb word. I know I have a tendency to use it on occasion, but I shouldn't. I guess it means that you're estimating completely based on guesswork. I think that means that you're guessing. You don't need to "guesstimate," just guess. Though, apparently, it's a real word, I think people just use it to sound more intelligent because they know what they're about to say is based entirely on crap.
2). The tendency to say "it must be..."--When someone has a slight idea of why something is doing one thing or another, and others don't, they tend to pull out the "it must be because of (insert made-up, bologna reason here)." For instance, on my trip back to DC from SLC, I had a Diet Pepsi that, after being opened for a few seconds started spewing forth its contents in a bubbly fashion. Quickly, I got the attention of the flight attendant, "Chip" (we'll call him cause I don't remember his name, and frankly I don't care). He gave me a big paper towel and was saying to me and my surrounding passengers, "it must be because of the cabin pressure, they've been doing that all morning." You don't know this, Chip!! You are no physicist. It may very well be that there is a difference in the cabin pressure that is causing the diet sodas to behave in an unruly fashion, but you don't know, so you shouldn't diagnose it as such. If I have questions about how to propperly pass out pretzels or how to say "buh-bye," I'll ask a flight attendant, but if Chip, or anyone, is going to say that something "must be" doing anything, please be able to back it up.
3). Not having an umbrella on a rainy morning--Not fun. I haven't had an umbrella for over a year now. I haven't needed it more than about three times, but today was one of those days. True, it's my own fault, but it's not fun nonetheless.
4). Superdelagates who won't make up their minds--Please, just decide and shut that awful Clinton woman up!! She's distracting from the real target, weakening the Democrats' chances of winning the Whitehouse in November (heaven help us if we have another republican in there for a while). John McCain is floating on by, getting a free ride while Barack Obama can't focus on him, because he's fighting off attacks by a woman who simply feels she deserves to be president. She doesn't and here's why: her "experience" doesn't amount to a hill of beans because to this point, she's only overseen two national projects, and both have been miserable failures. Hillarycare in the 90s tanked horribly, and was at least part of the reason why the Democrats lost the House in 94. And Hillary for President, is a failure because, well if she's that damned good, shouldn't she have wrapped up the nomination yet? Shouldn't she be ahead in something? They didn't have the foresight to look at the challenge that Obama would be, and were left without a plan after Super Tuesday. If she wasn't ready for Barack, how could she be ready to take on Iraq. That being said, the superdelegates who haven't decided, need to make up their minds now, so we can end this thing.
5). Tourists at rush hour--Can't you just wait for one more hour before embarking on your adventures in the nation's capital? Seriously, why can't these people get the concept of standing on the right, walking on the left? And what's worse is the school groups that show up--hoards of loud, pimply-faced teen-agers. They make me want to hit the teacher who is trying to hold the group together shouting "Okay everybody, let them get off the train first!!" Frustrating!!

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