Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Milton, Pass the Cake So Everyone Gets a Piece

I don't know of anyone who hasn't seen the movie "Office Space," or who hasn't laughed out loud while watching "The Office" on TV. Though they are both a little over the top, I find myself more and more able to relate to them with the passage of time at my own office.
In particular, I found myself relating to a couple of awkward office birthday parties portrayed on these programs, and I tried and tried to find some youtube clip that shows what I'm talking about, but I couldn't find the proper clip from either. Nonetheless, I have found a funny one that does show an awkward office party. And, since I have a growing affinity for all things Indian, I find it very appropriate that the clip be in an Indian office.

(our singing wasn't much better)

So as you can likely guess, there was an office party last week. Yep, a lady in HR celebrated her 50th birthday. I had no idea she was 50, I would have guess 45 maybe. Anyway, she is the one who is responsible for sending out the congratulatory email I received for my birthday--we won't worry about the fact that it was nearly two weeks late.
Anyway, though I am in the corporate office, there aren't many people there on a given day. We had a good majority of the office there that day and there were about ten folks. So the awkwardness came from the fact that no one really talked much--other than the lady a co-worker and I have dubbed "Granny Panties." I don't know who she is or what she does, all I ever noticed is that she has an interesting sense of style that usually works, but oftentimes has and odd, brightly-colored accent piece that just doesn't, and I don't think I have seen her wear the same thing twice in my six months in this current office. However, said co-worker has had frightening experiences walking into the ladies room. Apparently GP doesn't close the door to the stall. Apparently the co-worker has had the image of her under-apparel seared into her memory. Direct quote: "I don't know how they were so big. She's a small person, but they're so big and white. It's like a canoe." So, I laugh every time that I see her. Having heard her talk, I am thinking she's just a little different.
So after the possibly law-suit-inducing gag gifts that were given by the HR manager (all I am saying is I would be offended if someone gave me a black Over the Hill hat, denture cream and denture adhesive), they cut up the cake and handed it out to everyone. Everyone, that is, except for one woman who was going to "be strong" and not eat any. Her strength lasted all of one minute in which she said "that looks good, ah S#!T, I am so week," grabbed a piece, and ate it up. I ate my cake in silence, and promptly left. I had nothing to add. I hardly know most of these people (If I were at my old office in the company, it would be a different story).
I don't know where I am going with this, but I thought I would share. In my humble opinion, Birthdays are great, working on your birthday is not so great. But if I can get a piece of birthday cake while at work, I'll be cool with whatever.

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