Monday, May 18, 2009

New Motivation

So, as I previously mentioned, I have recently decided that I like cake and ice cream more than being thin. Having noticed that I have put on a couple of lbs since the wedding hasn't been enough motivation for me to stop eating crappy-like.
Well, with the absence of the wedding as a motivator, I was given a new motivation yesterday via a facebook invitation to my ten-year high school reunion. Now, don't be thinking that I really want to go to this thing, but hear me out. I have said previously that I didn't care for these people in high school, why would I want to see them 10 years later? It still holds. My two best friends from high school, Kade and Cammie Jan, were talking about their plans to actually go; I scoffed, telling them that it would be a cold day in hell before I would pay to go across the country for a reunion.
So, for the past few weeks, Mel and I have been talking about when we could go back to Utah to visit. She thought that we could go over Peach Days. I hate Peach Days, but have spoken about it to her in the past, and she kind of wants to see it. So, I said that it could be a possibility. And we were pretty much planning on it, and looking for tickets. Then I get a notification that the HS reunion would be held over the Peach Days weekend. Wahoo!! (note the sarcasm) So, since the two will coincide, and the fact that the two friends were planning on going, I figure that I might as well. Anyway, I also made tentative plans to get ready and run the 10k the morning of the big parade. I'm looking forward to this whole trip as much as one would look forward to going to get a root canal, but hey, I'll get to see my family and hang out with friends, so that will be fun.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Not much has happened in my life lately (since the last blog posts, lately, I mean).
I just realized that my blogging skills (read frequency) have been woefully lacking. Small bits o' news. The company I work for is bankrupt, and is being acquired by another firm. Luckily, I will be making the transition to the new company. However, this did include needing to fill out an application for my same job after I received an offer letter. This was no small task--40 printed pages. But it looks like all will go smoothly.
I am in my last week of classes. I have had finals and papers. Tonight is my last final for this semester. Huzzah!! Only who knows how many more semesters to go.
I am also becoming a fatty again. This is not good. The past weeks with an abundance of treats in our house, lack of time to hit the gym regularly, and the absence of a deadline such as a wedding to look forward to I feel that I am getting all gross and fat again.
To that end, I will now commit myself to returning to a more healthy lifestyle after this class has officially ended. I hope to somehow find a way to include this in my blog. I have been watching The Biggest Loser this season, the only one I will ever watch (it's way too edited for dramatic effect). It has been kind of inspiring. If these people can run a marathon, I am sure I can train to do it. I am not happy with the brown team, however, and want them to lose. Please vote for Ron to make it to the final episode (call 1-866-613-0001). That way, either Helen or Tara will win.
Anyway, I also want to make my blog look more interesting. I will work on that.