Thursday, February 12, 2009

Funny Observation

Last night I was at the gym, and when I made it upstairs to the bikes where I would finish up my workout, I was disheartened to see that the television which hangs from the ceiling in front of the upstairs bikes had been changed from the normal CNBC to Fox News. Now don't think that I am a fan of CNBC. I think it is a terrible network, dedicated to personal and corporate greed, and that the hosts on and viewers of said network are sad people who are slaves to making more money, oftentimes due to the misfortune of others. That being said, compared to the idiocy that is Fox News Network, the avarice of CNBC is like springtime--a breath of fresh air, really.
So I get going on the bike, iPod on shuffle, and then I look up and see my least favorite of all of the right-wing blow-hards, Glenn Beck. I can't help but read the captioning cause, it's something else to do to take my mind off of the fact that I'm getting pretty tired, having run six miles, and having used the elliptical for 45 minutes, but I digress (btw, the trifecta, Stinky, Moana and G'ma Moses were all in front of me momentarily while I was on said elliptical yesterday). So he's going off on some uneducated diatribe, infuriating me with his ignorance. Then I thought, "He's not that bright. I bet he doesn't have much education--you know what, I bet a lot of these right-wingers don't have much of an education."
So last night, I went looking on the Wikipedia. Turns out, I was right. Some of the biggest names don't have a college education.
Glenn Beck--Drop Out
Rush Limbaugh--Drop Out
Sean Hannity--Drop Out
Bill O'Reily did obtain a Bachelor's degree in History and I must mention that Anne Coulter did get a JD--maybe that's why she has no soul.
But you look at the ones who have their own shows (TV and Radio), who have the most influence, and they're a bunch of college drop outs. But then again, they're making the big bucks. Makes me wonder why I'm dropping a lot of money for a graduate degree. Maybe I should have just started spouting off uneducated opinions on a microphone. That probably would have been more lucrative.
Just a note that I'm not aware of too many ultra-liberal hosts. I did, however, look at Rachel Maddow, who has earned a Doctorate, and Al Franken graduated cum laude from Harvard.
Like the title says, it's just a funny observation. I lay out the facts, and you can judge for yourselves.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I haven't blogged in a while. I feel like I should, but I don't think that I really have the desire to write anything. It's not that I haven't had much going on. I've got quite a bit. But I just have been lazy is all.
Anyway, in case you've forgotten, I'm getting married at the end of next month. So, if you've got a minute or two, you can check out my sweet wedding website at:
Hopefully, I'll write something witty soon and I won't feel like such a slacker.

The End

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl XLIII

No things that must go this week, just a sweet picture from the super-bowl party I went to.
So, I present to you, Twinkie Stadium '09:

I just noticed this is not the completed project. Fritos and Tostitos were both added. I just took the picture a little early.